Value & Color Scripts
Step 1: Time period research and how color evolves through the story journey.  The pilot takes place in Act 1 and ends with a taste of Thea entering the special world in Act 2.

Step 1: Time period research and how color evolves through the story journey. The pilot takes place in Act 1 and ends with a taste of Thea entering the special world in Act 2.

Step 2: Value studies

Step 2: Value studies

Step 3: Color studies

Step 3: Color studies

Value & Color Scripts

After extensive research into my chosen time period and development of the story beats for "Thea and the Enchanted Book", I began to draft possible key moments in my story. These rough cinematic moments define important events in the pilot and, eventually, the overall series. These value and color scripts evoke the time period of the early 70's late 80's through, while also outlining with color when the character hits milestones in her "Hero's Journey".

The pilot takes place in Act 1 and ends with Thea embarking on her adventure into the special world in Act 2.

Log Line:
An imaginative girl, bored with small town life, is drawn into an enchanted book ruled by a calculated sorcerer known as The Trapped Man. She must restore the story world or be trapped in the book forever.

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